Illustrated Plant Library
Asclepias eriocarpa, Indian or Woollypod Milkweed
- Host plant for Monarch caterpillars
- Nectar plant for pollinators and hummingbirds
- Winter dormant perennial to 3’ tall
- Large cream colored flowers from May - October. Full Sun
- Little water, adaptable soil requirements
- Deer resistant
Asclepias fascicularis, Narrow Leaf Milkweed
- Host plant for Monarch caterpillars
- Nectar plant for pollinators
- Winter dormant perennial to 3’ tall
- Creamy-pink flower clusters bloom in summer
- Full Sun, Part Shade
- Occasional water Soil: adaptable
- Deer resistant
Asclepias speciosa, Showy Milkweed
- Host plant for Monarchs!
- Attracts butterflies, birds and pollinators
- Winter dormant perennial to 3’ tall
- Large rose colored, fragrant flowers
- Full sun, little water once established
- Deer resistant

- Fast growing, evergreen perennial
- Sun to high shade
- 1 by 4 feet high, white flowers to 2 feet high
- Attracts pollinators, butterflies and birds!
- Good under oaks
Aquilegia formosa, Western Columbine
- Fast growing perennial, 2 to 3 feet high x 1 to 2 feet wide
- Needs moist, well-drained soil
- Brilliant scarlet and yellow flowers
- Attracts Hummingbirds, bees, birds and butterflies
- Full sun (by Bay) to part shade inland
Aster chilensis, California Aster
- Important nectar plant, blooms late summer through fall
- Lavender, light purple daisy flowers
- 1 foot high x 3 feet wide
- Good in containers
- Sun to partial shade
Erigeron glaucus, Seaside Daisy
- Low growing perennial (1 inches high x 2 inches wide)
- Purple daisy like flowers
- Full sun, part shade
- Attracts butterflies, bees
- Blooms June - September
- Deer resistant, Moderate water
Eriogonum fasciculatum, California Buckwheat
- Evergreen shrub
- Cream-colored flowers April - September
- Important nectar plant for bees and butterflies, attracts birds too!
- Fast growing to 3 to 4 feet high by 4 feet wide
- Full sun
Eriogonum giganteum, St. Catherine’s Lace
- Evergreen shrub to 6 feet tall and wide
- Large clusters of tiny white flowers
- Blooms April - Fall when flowers age to a rusty color
- Full Sun, good drainage
- Occasional water
- Nectar plant attracts pollinator, butterflies and birds
Eriogonum grande rubescent
- Evergreen perennial Light pink to red flowers
- 1 foot by 3 feet, blooms June - October
- Full sun near coast, part shade inland Moderate water
- Attracts pollinators, bees and birds
Eschscholzia californica, California Poppy
- Herbaceous perennial wildflower
- California State flower
- To 18 inches high by 9 inches wide
- Orange flowers bloom March - October
- Full Sun
- Infrequent to moderate water
Eschscholzia californica var. maritima, Coast Poppy
- Perennial coastal form of Cal. poppy
- Low growing 6 inches tall by 12 inches wide
- Golden yellow flowers w/ orange centers
- Blooms March - October
- Full Sun
- Occasional water
Helianthus bolanderi, Serpentine sunflower
- Wild sunflower native to California and Oregon
- To 5 feet tall and wide
- Has profuse yellow flower clusters on many branches
- Long blooming through summer and fall
- Full Sun, moderate water
- Essential for your habitat garden
Island alum root, Heuchera maxima
- Evergreen perennial, prefers shade
- White flower stalks 2 to 3 feet high in spring
- Large evergreen, heart shaped, scalloped leaves
- Attracts hummingbirds and bees
- Good under oaks
- Moderate to little water
Douglas iris, Iris douglasiuna
- Evergreen perennial Iris, blue to purple form
- To 1 foot high by 2 feet wide
- Full sun to part shade inland
- Prefers well drained, acidic soil
- Good under oaks
- Deer resistant
Lupinus albifrons, Silver bush lupine
- Purple flowers bloom spring-august.
- Full sun. low to no summer water.
- Needs good drainage.
- Deer resistant.
Lupinus arboreus, Yellow Bush Lupine
- Fast growing evergreen shrub 4 to 5 inches tall and wide
- Canary yellow flowers on 6 inches spike
- Blooms Feb - July
- Full sun, part shade
- Aggressive re seeder

- Native annual: important late nectar source for bees and butterflies, seeds are relished by birds
- Showy yellow flowers with a maroon spot at base of each petal
- Multi branching to 3 to 4 feet tall and wide
- Blooms summer Full Sun, Low water, Deer resistant

Mimulus aurentiacus, Sticky Monkey flower
- Important nectar and larval host plant
- Semi-deciduous perennial
- 2-3 inches high by 3 feet wide, orange flowers
- Blooms April - October
- Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
- Sun to part shade, good under oaks

- Important nectar source plant
- Purple flowers from March - September
- Prefers good drainage
- Attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds
- Full sun
- Deer resistant

- Salvia favored by bees and bee keepers
- Highly aromatic evergreen shrub
- White to lavender flowers bloom spring - summer
- 3 to 6 feet tall and wide
- Full sun, well drained soil
- Attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds

Salvia apiana, White sage
- White flowers on a 3 feet spike, beautiful silver white leaves
- Blooms spring - summer
- Full sun
- Low to no summer water, needs good drainage
- Deer resistant
- Mvake your own smudge sticks
Salvia spathacea, Hummingbird sage
- Deep magenta flower spikes blooms spring - summer18 inches to 3 feet tall over dark green foliage
- A reliable groundcover, good under oaks
- Partial shade, best not in full sun
- Drought tolerant to occasional water
Sisyrinchium bellum, Blue Eyed Grass
- Perennial to 1 foot tall and wide
- Grass-like leaves, purple flowers with yellow centers
- Blooms Jan - June
- Summer dormant in a dry garden
- Good in containers and under oaks
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Prefers some moisture and good drainage